Vim Plugins using Ruby
July 25, 2012
If you love Ruby and Vim then the next logical step is to combine them together and write Vim plugins using Ruby.
This is surprisingly easy though there are some limitation that you should be aware of but I will get to those below.
The exercise
I have taken a Vim script, that does a google search on a selected word, and converted it to use Ruby instead.
The Ruby plugin use the Unix command open to display the file using in its default application; the browser in our case for html.
" online documentation search
" This opens the webbrowser with at the appropriate place
function! OnlineDoc()
if &ft =~ "ruby"
let s:urlTemplate = ""
let s:wordUnderCursor = expand("<cword>")
let s:url = substitute(s:urlTemplate, "%", s:wordUnderCursor, "g")
let s:cmd = "!open \"" . s:url . "\""
execute s:cmd
map <silent> <leader>d :call OnlineDoc()<CR>
For more information check out the original Vim script
The hooks
There are a number of constants, objects or methods exposed by Vim that Ruby can use
Editor concept | Ruby | Python |
eval | VIM::evaluate | vim.eval |
command | VIM::command | vim.command |
option | VIM::set_option | – |
output | VIM::message | sys.stdout |
buffer | VIM::Buffer | vim.buffers |
window | VIM::Window | |
current buffer | $curbuf | vim.current.buffer |
current window | $curwin | vim.current.window |
range | – | vim.current.range |
Page source: Stephen Bach post
Get the simplest thing working - "Hello world"
The first step is to make a “Hello World” application; making the simplest application using Ruby and Vim. This provides a starting point to dive into the code and explore how Ruby works with Vim - it’s easier to learn by doing.
To produce a simple text message in Vim using Ruby enter the following into the status bar:ruby print "hello world".
This prints out the "hello world" texts to the status bar.
Let's break this down:
Command | Description |
Ruby | executes the following text as Ruby script |
print | print method displays the message in the status bar (how cool is that) |
Let's see what else we can determine about from our min-irb
environment. Try typing the following in your status bar
Type in status bar | Result |
:ruby print 2+4 | 6 |
:ruby print self.class | Object |
:ruby print self.methods.sort.join(" ") | => == === =~ __id__ __send__ class clone ... etc |
The Print
method allows us to explore the object and find Ruby methods that Vim provides.
In our tutorial, I am interested in knowing the following:
- What is the file type that is currently active?
- What is the word the cursor is currently on?
Determining the filetype and the active word
Using Vim's Vim::evaluate
we are able to evaluate Vim commands and get access to the returned value which can then be used by Ruby.
To see the filetype and active word using Vim, type the following commands.
Type in status bar | Result |
:echo expand(' | => current word under the cursor |
:echo &ft | => current file's filetype |
Important to note: These are Vim commands echo
displays the return results in the status bar. For us to use Ruby, these Vim commands will need to be wrapped in the Ruby method VIM::evaluate
Type in status bar | Result |
VIM::evaluate("expand(' | => the current word under the cursor |
VIM::evaluate("&ft") | => the current file's fitetype |
We now have all of the parts that we need to build our Vim macro.
- Vim help is surprisingly good.
- Ruby/Vim documenation Vim documentation: if_ruby
- Overview of Vim plugin
- The largest Ruby/Vim plugin (great example) LustyExplorer